Partnership between Oncomedics (Oncomedics Group) and Biosistemi Grupa for distribution of the Oncogramme®



Oncomedics and Biosistemi Grupa are pleased to announce their partnership for the distribution and promotion of the Oncogramme® (an in vitro diagnostic medical device developed by Oncomedics). This partnership will make the Oncogramme® accessible to oncologists in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo, and their patients, thus contributing to Oncomedics' European development strategy.


All patients with metastatic colorectal cancer receive chemotherapy or a combination of chemotherapies, for which no prognostic tool exists, leading to a high failure rate (over 50% of patients) in the first line of treatment. The Oncogramme® addresses this problem by providing oncologists with a decision-making aid to identify the most effective treatment combinations for a patient with metastatic colorectal cancer. This is a functional assay in oncology designed to determine the sensitivity of a patient's tumor to one or more antitumor agents. The principle involves culturing patient's tumor cells and then placing them in the presence of standard of care treatments. The final response of these tumor cells to the antitumor agents is then analyzed. The first targeted indication is metastatic colon cancer, and the Oncogramme® will soon be extended to other cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer, in order to improve treatments by adapting them to each patient.

Mirta Kolesaric, CEO at Biosistemi Grupa said : «Partnering with Oncomedics will enable us to help our oncologists improve outcomes in cancer diagnostic area at the benefit of the patients. As a company that strives to bring innovation to the market, we are excited that we have found Oncomedics as a partner to help us achieve this goal.»

"We are delighted to be partnering with Biosistemi Grupa, a major player in the distribution of research and diagnostic products, and to contribute to the improvement of treatments for various cancers thanks to the decision support for oncologists that Oncogramme® allows" comments Christophe Lautrette, President of Oncomedics.

About Oncomedics : Oncomedics is a biotechnology company specialising in the personalisation of cancer treatments. It develops in vitro diagnostic medical devices that provide practitioners (surgeons, pathologists and oncologists) with decision support in order to identify the most effective treatments for a patient. Oncomedics's mission is to enable patients to obtain personalised therapy through Oncogramme®. Founded in 2006 by Christophe Lautrette and Stéphanie Giraud, Oncomedics has its own laboratories and production units in Limoges (Nouvelle Aquitaine, France). After the approval by the « Haute Autorité de Santé », Oncomedics has obtained the derogatory reimbursement "Forfait Innovation" for its innovative diagnostic test Oncogramme® for a first indication, metastatic colorectal cancer. Oncomedics joined the Oncomedics Group in March 2022. Press contact: Daria Korejwo - Marketing Manager -

About Biosistemi Grupa : With over 30 years of experience as a stable and growing company, Biosistemi Grupa d.o.o. operates from its registered offices in Belgrade, Sarajevo, Skopje, and Zagreb, as well as through partners in other major cities in the region. Our activities are grounded in the knowledge, experience, and dedication of our sales team, application and service support, and professional logistics. Biosistemi Grupa's mission is to leverage our expertise to create customized workflows in partnership with our customers, providing reliable, high-quality support to accelerate research, encourage innovation, and improve outcomes in diagnostics.